CH Smart Fellow´s
A Phonecall Away 
CH Smart Fellow´s
Almost Doesn´t Count 
Smart Fellow´s Bloody
Smart Fellow´s Catch
A Cab 
CH Smart Fellow´s
Chefs Best Punch 
Smart Fellow´s Choreograph

CH Smart Fellow´s
Cure The Devil 
CH Smart Fellow´s
Follow The Feet 
Smart Fellow´s Four
Leaf Clover 
Smart Fellow´s Order
From New York 
CH Smart Fellow´s
Rain On Your Parade 
Smart Fellow´s Refuse
To Bend 
CH Smart Fellow´s
Reline The Troops 
Smart Fellow´s Scare
Your Wig Off 
Smart Fellow´s Storm
CH Smart Fellow´s
Storm The Gate 
CH Smart Fellow´s
Take A Hike Shoortie 
CH Smart Fellow´s
Tap Dance Terror 
Smart Fellow´s Word
Of Advice 
owned by Smart Fellow's
CH Attikonak Mister McCloud

CH Cindy´s Hit The
CH Gallybob Eric 
Lawnwoods Free And Easy

Newinn Fir Cone 
CH Sheenaron Merry Soul
Stowlodge Stoddart J.W.

CH Wishwood Marshman 